2024 Fall Conference on Research in Bowen Theory

Bowen Theory, Science and Research

Friday, September 27, 2024
In-person and via Zoom

Register Now

Murray Bowen’s interest in a science of human behavior didn’t begin with the intention of developing a new theory. His initial effort was to contribute to the then existing paradigm in the field of mental health becoming more scientific. His research and exploration of the sciences across disciplines led to the recognition that psychoanalysis and the various personality theories derived from it lacked the capacity to move toward science.

His research led to the development of a new formal theory of the family and a form of psychotherapy based on the theory. This new natural systems theory represented a paradigmatic shift from the individualism prevalent in psychiatry and the field of mental health. The development of Bowen theory has continued since its first publication, principally through its application and the development of knowledge in the sciences. Genetics, evolutionary biology, and the neurosciences have contributed to a more robust understanding of the theory and its concepts such as differentiation of self, the emotional system, and the multigenerational process.

The Center for Family Consultation’s Fall Conference, “Bowen Theory, Science, and Research”, brings together leaders in the exploration of science and new research contributing to an understanding of ourselves and our families.

Fall Conference Schedule

8:15 am  Registration

8:45 am  Bob Noone Intro

9:00 am  Victoria Harrison – “Triangles in Nature and the Family”

9:30 am  Laurie Lassiter – “Social Position, Genetic Expression, and the Triangle”

10:00am Bob Noone – “The Family as an Emotional Unit”

10:30am BREAK

11:00am Carrie Collier – “Would The Real Family Functioning Please Stand Up: Research Grounded in Bowen Family Systems Theory”

11:30am Phil Klever – “Reciprocal Functioning Between Pair Bonded Partners”

12:00pm Panel Discussion


  2:00pm Barbara Laymon – “It’s Complicated: Context and Research”

  2:30pm Lisa Moss – “Finding Objectivity Amidst Hate and Polarization: Exploring Societal Emotional Processes in the Wake of the October 7 Attacks”

  3:00pm Randy Frost – “On Free Will”

  3:30pm Panel Discussion

  4:00pm Adjournment

Fall Conference Presenters

Carrie E. Collier, PhD, LPC

Dr. Collier earned her PhD from The George Washington University and has practiced as a licensed therapist since 2000. She is a faculty member at The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. She was the Director from 2020-2022 and remains on the Board. Her recent research and publications include developing and testing a family unit functioning questionnaire and most recently an analysis of Bowen’s professional archival letters. Dr. Collier lectures and coaches about her research grounded in Bowen Family Systems Theory locally and internationally. She has a private family therapy practice in Va and DC.

Randy Frost, M.Div.

Mr. Frist is Director of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family in Washington, DC. He had previously been Executive Director and then Director of Training and Research at Living Systems in Vancouver, British Columbia.

He is the author of a number of articles and book chapters on Bowen family systems theory and has presented numerous papers at professional meetings both nationally and internationally.



Victoria Harrison, MA

Ms. Harrison directs the Center for the Study of Natural Systems and the Family in Houston, TX where she teaches, coaches and supervises based in Bowen theory. She served on faculty at BCSF from 1992 – 2023.Her research and writing focus on evolution and the family as well as on understanding symptoms that impact health and reproduction. You can find details about her publications and research at www.csnsf.org.


Phillip Klever, MSW

Mr. Klever, LCSW, LMFT, applies Bowen theory in his psychotherapy practice and longitudinal family research. Various professional journals have published findings in his research related to emotional cutoff, primary triangle reactivity, stress in the multigenerational family, the family projection process, multigenerational transmission of family unit functioning and family emotional processes, goal direction, and divergence and similarity in spouse functioning.


Laurie Lassiter, PhD, MSW

Dr. Lassiter trained with Murray Bowen in the Georgetown Postgraduate Program and consulted with him about her own family from 1986 to 1990. She has presented at the Bowen Center Symposia and other conferences since 1991 and has written several articles and book chapters. Based on her learning from Dr. Bowen, she introduced a triangle hypothesis, describing the regulation of individuals to function for the emotional system. Dr. Lassiter continues to coach individuals in the theory and to participate in groups to expand the theory.


Barbara Laymon, PhD

Dr. Laymon is a writer, researcher, licensed professional counselor, and faculty member at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. Her research interests include the application of the Systems Model for Family Assessment to congregational life. Her recent book, All the Families of the Earth: Therapists in Bible Times, looks at family emotional processes through the stories of scripture. Recently retired from a career in public health, she continues to be interested in how context shapes health and how communities can work together to address the context for family health.

Lisa Moss, MSW

Ms. Moss has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Kansas and received a Master of Social Work degree from Loyola University, Chicago in 1993. Lisa has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1995, practicing in a variety of settings including a hospital, community-based agency and private practice. Lisa is the founder and owner of Prospection Counseling in Northbrook, IL.

In 2007, she completed the two-year post-graduate training program in family systems theory at the Center for Family Consultation in Evanston. In 2013, Lisa joined the CFC faculty. With a commitment to understanding and sharing the clinical applications of family systems theory, Lisa provides clinical supervision, practices, tests and teaches Bowen theory both in her clinical practice and in her role as a member of the faculty of CFC.

Robert Noone, PhD.

Dr. Noone is faculty at the Center for Family Consultation, Evanston, IL and the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family in Washington, D.C. He is the editor of the journal Family Systems and co-editor of the books The Family Emotional System (2015) and Handbook of Bowen Family Systems Theory and Research Methods (2020). He the author of the recently published book, Family and Self (2021). Dr. Noone has a practice in family psychotherapy in Evanston, IL. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Chicago and postgraduate training at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.


Early Bird: $135.00

General: $165

Students: $145



This is a hybrid event (online and in-person attendance available)

Location will be announced soon

Zoom information: will be sent to virtual attendees before the event.

Continuing Education Credits

6 Credit Hours will be awarded for full day attendance. Approved for social worker, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, and professional counselor education credits.

Faculty Coordinator

For more information, please contact Robert Noone.